Thursday, October 11, 2007

Guess Who's Birthday It Is?

Yes that's right its Penfold's, better know as Rob. I think he's 27 so he's not that much younger than me after all. Where ever there's a problem he'll be there, saying "Crumbs".

We will be all meeting up for drinks in Dalkey on Saturday night, then back to Rob's for a few more. Then I think that'll be taxi for me. This will probably be the last time I get to go drinking with my mates until Christmas, so I hope its a great night.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Selling up shop

Hiya guys as you all know I'm going to be moving on soon and I want to sell on anything that I don't get much use out of any more. I'm putting ads up on but here's a heads up for all my friends if your looking for a bargain. Here's the ads I'm putting up. If your interested then give me a call.

Centon K100 fully manual camera ideal for photo student. C/W Pentax 1:4 zoom, Flashgun, 2x televerter, lens hood, bag, lens filter & cleaning kit - €170.

Aria Acoustic guitar Model AW-75QN, excellent condition. C/W leather carry case and Qwik Tune automatic turner - €90.

21 PC Games - Including, GTA3, Delta Force Land Warrior, Divine Divinity, Freedom Force, Medal of Honour, Unreal, Shogun Total War - €40.

32 CD Singles - Including; Radiohead, Blur, Space, Stereophonics, Iggy Pop, David Bowie, The Prodigy, Garbage, Fat Boy Slim, and Pulp - €15.

Who knows if your a good mate I might even sell it to you cheaper!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Spunwood Online!

I have just finished designing a website for my dad, and its now up on-line. He has been making segmented wood turned vases, bowls and other items for the last few years. He really has become a master of this craft very quickly as you can see from the beautiful pieces on his website.

With over 30 years as a carpenter I'm not surprised at how well he's progressed, he is now able to make very advanced items. That's why we thought it was time to start a shop. So if you're looking for that special unique gift for a birthday, wedding or Christmas, come have a look at

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Moving to England

I'm getting ready to move over to England. I have just finished putting my CV together, and now Clare's having a look at it and making a few changes.

Clare is the reason I'm making the move. She works as a Portfolio Administrator in the NHS, and knows what makes a good CV, so I'll wait until she has it sorted before I submit it to Reed one of the biggest job recruitment agency's in the UK.

I met Clare through a website I seen a banner for on Newgrounds. It was a website called Flirtomatic and I thought it was just another Myspace effort. It turned out to be more of a dating chat site really. There was a few oddballs on there as you'd expect, this being the internet. Then I saw Clare's page and she looked beautiful and she'd great taste in music too, she listed bands like Arcade Fire and Elbow, not bands the radio plays much of so I knew she'd a mind of her own.

I sent her a message and we got talking, this was in around November of 2006 and we spoke almost everyday after that. Most of the time we'd talk for hours about our shared interests and what we thought about different issues and we were on the same page every time. Could it be had I finally found the girl for me?

We progressed over the months from only speaking on Flirtomatic to MSN, emailing and then speaking for hours on end over the phone. Then in May of this year we finally met in Dublin. I waited for what seemed like an eternity at Dublin airport. The moment I'd waited for so long finally came when I saw the cutest little blonde girl coming through the doors and I just had to run over to her and give her a massive big hug.

After that we were inseparable, holding hands all the way in the taxi to the hotel, and any time we are together now we always seem to have the need for some contact.

Neither of us want to be apart so it was bound to happen that one of us would make a move. Clare loves Ireland and we may eventually move back here together at some stage but for now life will be in Berkshire.

I'll tell you how the job search goes in future posts, wish me luck.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

New Web Site Design

I am starting to redesign my personal website so it really showcases my work rather than the site, with a minimal design in black everything from photos, websites, art and flash should all stand out much better. I also recently read that using black on a monitor uses less power thus saving you money and its better for the environment. So there you go "Black is the new Green". I should hopefully have it up on-line within a month or so as there's a lot of work to be done.

Blackle is a search engine powered by Google that has a black background thus helping to save energy. If you what to read more about just go to If it suits you maybe you can change your homepage over and save some money and maybe some trees aw lol.

I hope everyone will like the new design of my website and it should be easier to update you on new projects I'm working on using the blogging software. I want to be able to update more regularly and more easily so I'll try to incorporate as much technology as I can to make it a whole lot quicker and easier in the long run.

So see you all soon.
