Thursday, August 16, 2007

New Web Site Design

I am starting to redesign my personal website so it really showcases my work rather than the site, with a minimal design in black everything from photos, websites, art and flash should all stand out much better. I also recently read that using black on a monitor uses less power thus saving you money and its better for the environment. So there you go "Black is the new Green". I should hopefully have it up on-line within a month or so as there's a lot of work to be done.

Blackle is a search engine powered by Google that has a black background thus helping to save energy. If you what to read more about just go to If it suits you maybe you can change your homepage over and save some money and maybe some trees aw lol.

I hope everyone will like the new design of my website and it should be easier to update you on new projects I'm working on using the blogging software. I want to be able to update more regularly and more easily so I'll try to incorporate as much technology as I can to make it a whole lot quicker and easier in the long run.

So see you all soon.
