Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jedward - John and Edward, So bad its good

Sometimes I'm glad Tiernan our baby was born English. Irish people have a hard time as it is, trying to escape the stereotype of being fools. John and Edward have knocked us back years. They must know at this stage how bad they, yet they keep getting worse. Seriously are they even trying to improve?

This week on the X Factor they sang the Ghostbusters theme tune and it was like something a school would put on for a talent night. They came onto the stage in the Ghostbusters station wagon, it was just a sheet of cardboard. They really find it difficult to sing in tune and in time, and the rest of the contestants are far superior singers. I have to admit Jedward are unique, and in their own way are entertaining. I'm sure they will get through tomorrow night, as they have a legion of kids voting for them.

Ben, my 7 year old, would vote for them every week if we let him. He raves about them all the time and if we slag them off, which we can't help, he says "You take that back" or "How dare you". He really does love them, but at his age he loves most silly things and they don't come sillier than those two.

They are even now doing Jedward t-shirts look. For the love of god, where is the humanity.

I'm sure X Factors John and Edward are nice guys at heart, but they don't belong in a singing competition. Please stop Jedward, they are making a holy show of us Irish. As if Boyzone and Westlife didn't ruin the reputation of Irish culture enough, now we have to contend with these terrible tone-deaf twins.

Photo courtesy of ITV

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