Sunday, November 8, 2009

John and Edward to Go But Oh No Simon Goes Crazy

Simon Cowell is a money making smug man. I can't believe he did that. He says he got such stick for letting it go to the public last week, then what does he do? He leaves it to the public vote again. Seriously, he'd rather see John and Edward over Lucy Jones? Lucy has a supreme singing voice and a great vocal range. Jedward are comical and have little going from them apart from big hair and bad dancing.

I am in no doubt that the only reason that Simon kept them in was to keep his programme in the newspapers and constantly talked about. It was a cynical ploy of his to make sure that the show he makes so much money out of is always in the headlines. X Factor in just another way for Simon to boost his ego. Simon had already said plenty of times that Jedward were making a mockery of his show. I now have no respect for the man. Simon Cowell needs to be ashamed of himself for what he did to Lucy Jones. If Lucy had of gone to a good act she could have got over it so much easier, but losing to John and Edward when your as good as she is... well, it's just not fair.

Just to remind you of how good Lucy was even from the start. She sings one of the biggest songs a female vocalist can sing. Whitney Houstons "I Will Always Love You".

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